Saturday, April 30, 2011

install X64 新倉頡 2010

1. Download the Pinyin installer.
2. Open the installer using 7 Zip (or any similar program).
3. Extract, IME32.msi and IME32.xml (if you're using a 64-bit version of Windows, extract the '64' files too).
4. Open IME32.msi using Orca (search for 'Orca MSI' if you don't have this program).
5. In 'Tables' > 'CustomActions' right-click and drop the entry 'AbortMsi' then save the file (optionally repeat this process for IME64.msi too).
6. Install IME32.msi (and IME64.msi, if necessary) as normal.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

在Vista/Win7 的IE 中, 解決輸入法的「記憶體不足」問題

這是降低 IE 的保安程度, 這自然增加了被惡意程式入侵的機會, 所以用戶要衡量這
方面的風險。 這類利用記憶體漏洞來入侵電腦的病毒, 數量不多, 以前只有數個病毒例
子, 不過始終有這風險。
要取消這記憶體保護模式, 可開啟 IE, 在 [工具] 的選項內開啟 [洲際網路選項],
在 [安全性] 的標籤下, 取消 [啟用受保護模式] 的一項

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Outlook 2003 can't open zip attachments on Windows 7

Problem: When using Outlook 2003 on Windows 7, users can't open zip attachments from a message - double clicking on the zip brings up the Open/Save dialog but clicking Open does not open it (the zip is saved in the securetemp folder each time you double click though). 

To open the zips, users need to save them to the hard drive then open if they want to use Windows Compressed folders feature. (If they install a zip program, there is no problem - zips open as expected.)

This is apparently "by design" and is related to the new Libraries file management feature. There is registry value that controls how the explorer handles certain file types for specific applications and this registry value can be edited as a workaround. 

However, because we don't know if editing this key might cause other problems it's highly recommended users install a 3rd party zip program instead. (There are a number of free and low cost zip programs available, many have more features than Compressed Folders.)

Open the registry editor and browse to this key:
Windows 32-bit versions:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellCompatibility\Applications\outlook.exe

Using 64-bit Windows, the key is:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\ShellCompatibility\Applications\outlook.exe
String: VERSION Original Data value: 11.*,10.*,9.*,8.*,7.*

Recommended fix:Edit the VERSION string value, removing 11.*; 
New VERSION string value: 10.*;9.*;8.*;7.*

Alternate fix: Delete (or rename) the STRIPFOLDERBIT value
Reboot Windows.

I tested both registry hacks and both allow me to open zip attachments.