Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Windows Map Drive System error 86 has occurred

Happen on Windows 7 when access file sharing or run bat file of map drive.

Solution (On PC problem):

1- Start > in Search box type gpedit.msc

2- Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > Security Options

3- Find “Network Security: LAN Manager authentication level” double click on it

4- Set it to “Send LM & NTLM – use NTLMv2 session security id negotiated” click OK

5- Restart


Check the System time , the system time should match TODAY !

Monday, January 21, 2013

RouterOS PPTP VPN 比較有用的連結

Mikrotik Wiki

Mikrotik RouterOS Site-to-Site configuration for Peers with Dynamic IP

MikroTik RouterOS 建置 PPTP VPN Server 連回公司、家中內部網路 (固定IP、Static IP 適用)

MikroTik RouterOS 建置 PPTP VPN Server 連回公司、家中內部網路 (PPPoE、撥接上網 適用)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How to Run Windows XP for Free in Windows 8

How to Run Windows XP for Free in Windows 8

Microsoft gave Windows 7 users a way to run older applications via Windows XP Mode. With Windows 8, however, that mode is no longer officially supported, and if you want to run Windows XP in a virtual machine, you need the license for it. Lifehacker reader Miloš, however, has found a workaround.
He discovered that within the free WindowsXPMode_en-us.exe file, there's a VirtualXPVHD file containing the Windows XP virtual machine, which you can open in VirtualBox. Here are the steps to get this working:
  1. Download WindowsXPMode_en-us.exe from Microsoft. You'll need to run the validation tool to prove your copy of Windows is valid.

  1. Then use 7-Zip or another archive tool to open the EXE file as an archive.
  2. Within that archive, find the "sources/xpm" file within it, and extract that folder to your hard drive.
  3. Finally, in the extracted xpm file, you'll find a file called VirtualXPVHD. Rename it with a VHD extension.
In VirtualBox, open the VirtualXPVHD virtual machine, and voila! You've got Windows XP Mode (running Windows XP Professional) in Windows 8, no need for the XP license.
This might also be possible with Windows 8's built-in virtual machine manager, Hyper-V, but that's only available in Windows 8 Pro.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

VMware ESXi 5 Update 更新 ( Command Line )

使用「esxcli software profile get」指令,查詢記錄更新前的版本及更新狀態,以便更新後驗證對照。

 ~ # esxcli software profile get
        Name: ESXi-5.0.0-469512-standard
        Vendor: VMware, Inc.


開始更新 VMware ESXi 5.0 時,使用的「esxcli」指令是:
esxcli software vib install --depot 《更新檔路徑》
esxcli software vib install -d 《更新檔路徑》

esxcli software vib install --maintenance-mode -d /vmfs/volumes/datastore/update-from-esxi5.0-5.0_update01.zip 


 ~ # esxcli software profile get

錯誤:Windows 無法連線到 System Event Notification Services 服務 (Error: Windows could not connect to the System Event Notification Service)

當你開機時,剛登入後,突然跳出一個氣球資訊-(Windows 無法連線到 System Event Notification Services服務...),接著網路、側邊欄......等等都不能使用!
圖像 1:
  1. 點擊左下角的 「Windows 圖示 」,然后點擊「所有程式」。
  2. 點擊「附屬應用程式」, 然后右鍵點擊一下「命令提示字元」,再點擊「以系統管理員身分執行」,如下圖:
    圖像 2:
  3. 在「命令提示字元」畫面中輸入指令 "netsh winsock reset catalog",完成後按下鍵盤 Enter 鍵,如下圖:
    圖像 3:
  4. 提示 "順利重設 Winsock Catalog " 後,關閉「命令提示字元」然後重新啓動電腦。
    圖像 4: